Introduction – Learning the iPhone 6s Plus and the iPad Pro

Hello Everyone,

It is about time I started doing what I said I was going to do and publish some ‘how to articles’ about my Apple products.

IMG_0242A couple of months ago, I purchased an iPad Pro.  Do I love it? The answer is Yes!

Will it take the place of my MacBook Pro? No. However, it is a welcomed tool for a writer like myself that has the habit of waking up late at night and starts writing.  So, I will be writing about my experiences with the iPad Pro and the features that I like the best.

apple-iphone-6s-plusA year ago, my iPhone 5 (yes, you are reading correctly, a year ago) was damaged. A defect, the display screen disconnected from the metal case, costs more to repair than getting a new one.  So, since last August, I have needed a new iPhone, but I was so in love with my iPhone 5 that I sat on my hands and did nothing because it was still working. However, the reaction time was slow; it took ages to execute and move between apps. So, I have recently acquired the 6s plus.


Therefore, I will be looking at the iPhone 6s Plus and the iPad Pro, starting next Friday.   I plan to do two articles a month.

Wishing you all of you a happy weekend.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia April 4 2016





Pat Garcia

About patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician
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2 Responses to Introduction – Learning the iPhone 6s Plus and the iPad Pro

  1. I found your article quite interesting, Patti, even though I have to admit I’m a Samsung-girl. LOL But well done!


    • patgarcia says:

      Morning A.J.
      Thank you. There are many people that I know that have Samsung. Fantastic. It is always nice to compare.
      Wishing you a great week.
      Shalom aleichem,

      Liked by 1 person

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