The Apple Pencil and The Notability App

The Apple Pencil




















To say that the Apple Pencil and Notability partner up satisfactorily is an underestimation. The Apple Pencil and the Notability app are a perfect team. Unlike in Evernote, most of my notes in Notability are written by hand. You can share your notes, email your notes, store by importing them to Google Drive, Box, Dropbox, WebDAV, and iCloud.


You can even record and link your note or date your notes with the exact time if you prefer.

So, try your Apple Pencil with Notability. You will love it.

Shalom aleichem,

Pat Garcia August 13 2016





Pat Garcia

About patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician
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2 Responses to The Apple Pencil and The Notability App

  1. That’s interesting. I was raving about Notability to my daughter this weekend and she made a good point about hand-written notes: That she doesn’t have to watch what she’s doing when she takes notes with a pencil. Your hint here would take care of that.


    • patgarcia says:

      I love Notability. I believe I was forgetting how to write. Of course I had Evernote but Notability entices me to keep the beautiful handwriting I have because it expresses me personality.

      Thank you for dropping by, Jacqui.
      Shalom aleichem,


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