




Hi Everyone,

I know I have not blogged in a week, so,  sorry.  However, this is my first WordPress Blog site, so I am slowly walking my way through it and discovering many wonderful things that I like about the WordPress sites.  Because  I will be recording here often, I thought it wise to increase my skills using WordPress.   I will be back to blogging about Apple products and their ‘how to’s’ this week.


Pat Garcia

14 Responses to About

  1. yomicfit says:

    Congratulations! I love your blog and have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. yomicfit.wordpress.com
    That being said, I will not be offended if you don’t want to follow the rules 🙂
    I just hope to share your blog with others.


    • patgarcia says:

      My Dear Michelle,

      Thank you so much. You have made my day! It was pretty stressful and then to look in my computer and see a nomination from you has brighten my evening. And of course I will accept and display it on my blogs. I already have one Versatile Blogger award for one of the blogs, So if you do not mind I will put this one on my Apple blog and my book review or walk on blog and maybe display it also on my blog at TypePad.

      Please give me until Saturday to have it up and running and I will also link your blog to my acceptance.

      Once again, thank you so much for your confidence in my writing skills and I wish you the very best.



      • yomicfit says:

        You are so welcome!
        Do with this award as you please.
        I feel that just allowing others the chance to see a new blog is great!
        You know God just sweeps in sometimes as a reminder (through others) that you do make a difference!
        You are worthy of His love.
        God bless!!


  2. petrel41 says:

    Congratulations, Pat!

    I have nominated your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award, as I think you deserve it more than once 🙂

    More about this nomination is at

    Versatile Blogger Award, thanks Julianne Victoria!


  3. kcg1974 says:

    Hello Dear Pat: I have just nominated your blog for the, “Wonderful Team Member Readership Award.” Your nomination has just been announced in my latest blog post. Please visit to see your award together with the rules of acceptance. Congratulations, Pat. Most deserving! Kim http://kimgosselinblog.wordpress.com/


  4. Sebastian says:

    Hello Pat!
    I look forward to really diving into your blog. Also, thank you for following my blog at Faith1st Ministries. I hope it has and will continue to be a major blessing in your life. May God richly bless you as you continue to write and blog. Please continue with us on this journey and remember to have Faith 1st because the “just shall live by his faith.” — Sebastian


  5. kimlhine says:

    hello Pat.
    just stopped by from the A-Z blogging challenge.
    fellow blogger
    Kim in Australia


  6. Babus Ahmed says:

    I nominated you for The Creative Blogger Award, I look forward to your post, should you accept the award. http://ajoobacatsblog.com/2015/09/01/the-creative-blogger-award-2/


  7. Angelyn says:

    Thank you, Patricia for stopping by Angelyn’s Crimes of Passion. I’m really enjoying the A to Z challenge this year and writers/readers like you make it worth it.



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