What Jony Ive’s ‘promotion’ to Chief Design Officer really means

Good Morning Everyone,
Interesting news at Apple. One of my favourite people, the creative spirit behind Apple, has been promoted.
Congratulations Jony Ive.
Pat Garcia

About patgarcia

Writer, Blogger, Poet, Singer, Musician
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4 Responses to What Jony Ive’s ‘promotion’ to Chief Design Officer really means

  1. You know, dear Patti, that I’m only here because this is your blog and you are a great friend. Other than that I’m afraid I’m not the biggest Apple fan… (Unless it’s a Golden Delicious, but that’s another story). I’m more into Samsung… is that bad? 😀


    • patgarcia says:

      My Dear Aurora,
      That’s not bad at all. My husband has a Samsung. I have been an Apple fan though since the first computer came out. I still have one of the first iPods and will not give it away. It still works too. To each his own. If you are happy with your Samsung, hang in there with it.
      And thanks for dropping by. I’m laughing because your sense of loyalty brings a smile to my face.

      Love you, Lady.

      P.S. Let me know when you are going if you are going to be in Switzerland in August, maybe we could have lunch together.


  2. Hi, Pat. I have an Acer Laptop with Windows now, but I had a Mac for years and loved it. Have a great week! 🙂


    • patgarcia says:

      Hi Bette,
      I am completely spoiled. I know there are other good computers out there but Apple has spoiled me. The efficiency, the service that I receive and the its up-to-date know how technology can’t be beaten at the moment. I know I pay a little more, but I get an outstanding product.
      So nice to hear you are happy with Windows though and Acer.


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